Connected Patient Healthcare

IoT Connected Hospital Solutions

Remote Monitoring Solutions

Patient, Hospital, Personnel Analytics & Remote Connected Solutions

Medical Tailored IoT Technology

Gotek IoT offers a variety of solutions and applications that suites uniquely the medical institution giving leverage to enhance operations of hospitals. Whether supplying wearable technology to patients, applying workflow automation and tracking solutions, or hospital personnel communication and workforce management; Gotek IoT got you covered with a customized solution to best fit and tailor the solution per your requirements.
Gotek IoT provides solutions that best fits your medical needs, from enhancement of hospital work management to individual products for a better living and better management of your health diagnosis and statistics.
Continuous Patient Monitoring

Wearable Solutions

Equipment & Patient Tracking

Real-time tracking & alerts

Workforce Management

Access Control & Connected Communication

Customizable Features

Custom made Mobile App & Web Platform

Gotek Smart Watch enables you to view 24/7 live monitoring of the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, blood oxygen, calories and many other features, all with SOS emergency button
Live Monitoring of Body Vitals

Monitor heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen, and body temperature for you and your loved ones through the mobile app & web platform.

Tracking & Positioning

Keep track of your loved ones and know where they are in case of emergency. You can set an electronic fence to give notification if the user moves out of the specified location.

SOS Emergency Button & Two-way calling

In case of emergency the button can be clicked to give notification to the care giver or administrator, and initiate a call. You can call the device directly to make sure of the user's health and whereabouts.

Gotek Smart Watch

Learn more about Gotek Smart Watch detailed features and specifications

Hospital Management Solution

1. Patient Management

  • Track patient movement in-hospital premises.
  • Access Control, segregation by department / floor / room.
  • Keep track and quick diagnosis of patients’ profiles & remarks.
  • Visitors can monitor patients’ operation process automatically in visitor waiting areas.

2. Staff Management

  • Automatic Attendance as soon as the staff enters the hospital premises.
  • Staff availability and location can be instantly verified by other staff.
  • Staff access control to specific areas such as departments / floors / rooms.
  • Communication & emergency notifications between available doctors, nurses, even security personnel for safety reasons, through the mobile app or web platform.

3. Asset Management

  • Locate tracked assets live automatically by department, floor, or room.
  • Get notifications if asset has been re-allocated to a different department or moved, notifications can also be sent to security if patient/visitor leaves with hospital property.
  • Control and view your asset inventory.
  • Real-time tracking of asset location.

Gotek Hospital Management

Learn more about Gotek Hospital Management detailed features and specifications

Gotek Cloud offers you the ability to control and monitor your data live, whether you're an individual user, or an organization. No Installation, login from anywhere and control your data from anywhere. Login through your browser, or use the specified mobile app to your solution, that simple !
Control & Monitor your service

Live data, monitoring, and tracking of your hospital management solution. Flexible and customizable according to your solution.

Flexible API

Need to develop your own mobile app & platform? we offer an API to connect and interact with your customized solution.

Simple & Straight Forward

Easy integration means simple development ! Easy data collection, displaying bits and pieces in a dynamic easy to use interface.

Want to know more about our products? Need more info about our services ?

Contact us now and let's discuss your project, let's have it tailored to your needs !

    Need More Info about Gotek Smart Watch or the Hospital Management Solution ?

    Contact us & tailor your hospital management solution